Welcome My Dearest Friend,
It’s nice to see you again! 8-) How are you?
I hope your days are as peaceful as mine during the fall holiday. It’s fantastic to be Home again, visit my Friends, spend my time with my Family and go for a walk to see…
…Lake Balaton. It’s one of the most beautiful things in the World. Really. A timeless trace of the eternal power of Peace, giving inspiration to me: that’s Lake Balaton. It’s a sort of a ’Relative’ or a ’Friend’.
Several things can inspire me (not only the Hungarian Sea). Music is one of them. Since, it makes me relaxed, and it takes my mind off my daily routine, I listen to Music quite often. I can feel alone in a crowded place as well by turning on my mp3 player and not caring about the surrounding.
I like all styles of Music, as you can read it on my profile. Sting is among my favourites, and as for me the best track from him is ’Stolen Car’. I like this song soo much because there’s a whole story within it. A young boy would like to steal a beautiful, expensive car. Getting into it, he imagines who the owner of the car can be: probably a successful, wealthy man who has a Family and a lover at the same time. It has a mysterious atmosphere, hasn’t it?
To my mind, the background Music is the ’body’ and the lyrics is the ’soul’ of every song. The ’body’, the sound of the instruments gives you impressions, makes you feel and the ’soul’ contains the real meaning, which has special message for you, and it’s your right to decide what it means.
In my opinion this track is mostly about the aspect of the lover. Being ’hidden from the light’, she always longs for him; they have to meet secretly. According to my personal opinion, this story tells us something about the unselfishness of a real lover, and this viewpoint is the most accented.
For being the first track in English which I could completely understand, this song was a ’milestone’ for me. That was the first time I could catch and understand every word, that’s why it was a special ’success’. 8-)
I hope you’ll listen to this song several times, and come to like it. It’s really worth listening to, because it’s a special story, a whole ’picture’.
See you soon and Have a Nice Day!
Dóry 8-D
P.S.: Here you can find the lyrics. ;-)
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