Hello My Little Friend,
Welcome again in this cloudy, rainy Sunday afternoon. It’s 14:33 now, and I even have to switch on my lamp in order to be able to read... It’s much better if Saint Peter gives us light, not the beneficent power of electricity; but luckily, the melancholy weather doesn’t have an effect on my mood, because I’m cheerful, like most of the time. 8-)
Monday, I took my first exam in the University: It was ’Boogie Woogie, Rock & Roll, Swing’, but mostly Rock & Roll. Since I got a 5, it was one of the greatest triumphs in my life. Although, I was always considered to be ’unskilful in almost every physical activity’, this time I managed to prove, that I don’t have ’problems’ with dance at all.
Ever since I can remember, I was always interested to dance. I simply wanted to Move. This term, like ’Dance’, has much more to say than it seems at first sight. In my way of thinking, ’Dance’ is the product of the cooperation of Music and your Soul. If you listen to Music, it ’possesses’ you, and then become embodied in your organism by trying to express itself with the help of your moves. This way, Music will have a real message, so it begins to ’communicate’ with the World.
Being the ’means’ of Music is a fantastic feeling as My Rocky Teacher told me in the last lesson ’The best thing in dancing is that you can take advantage of your body.’ I’m absolutely agree with him, and I always thought the same. While dancing every part of your body moves: you can feel your heartbeat, breathing, and all of your muscles strain from your toe to your face. By jumping up or kicking, you merge with the air, the atmosphere of the hall for one second. You don’t touch the air, the air receives you. The ground lets you step, and you can feel this connection with the sensitive receptors of your sole by imressing the clump of your shoes with each and every step you take.
Dancing is like a beautiful painting, which is perfect in every particular: the space (the ground, the air) makes the background, the Music is the frame, and you’re the absolute focus of the composition. Dance is the most wonderful cooperation of Humanity and the World, isn’t it? 8-)
In the slideshow I show you some pictures of the rocky group and dance in usual.
Have a Nice Day, and a Pleasant Evening in the first Sunday of Advent!
(Christmas is near. ;-D)
Furcsa volt a zsibaj. Mindig furcsa. Máshol ilyet nem hall az ember.
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