(First of all, I would like to recommend you to listen to the song –above- while reading this post. ;-) )
Hello My Dearest Reader,
I’m back again, full with emotions, thoughts and stories to tell. 8-) How are you, My Dear? Do you feel good in this fantastic, sunny weather?
I have a brand new habit nowadays: I often listen to Sky.fm in the evenings. (It’s a colossal radio, if you fancy, please try it: www.sky.fm ) There are plenty of channels to choose from in every genre of music: Hip Hop, Jazz, Rock, Popular Music, Salsa and so on. One of my favourites is the Classic and Flamenco Guitar Channel, which I can warmly recommend to you for relaxation. Once when I was listening to it, I had a very pleasant feeling and beautiful pictures came into my mind.
I closed my eyes, leaned back in my comfortable chair, and had the same feeling when I was in Croatia with my Family. Some years ago, we spent our holiday in Petrcane, in this small, friendly, peaceful fishing-village. We, the four of us, were sitting on the coast of the Adriatic Sea every evening. We just let our legs swing in the gentle stroking water and watched the movement of the waves below the stars. Tourists and residents were walking in the cobbled, romantic, narrow streets, and enjoyed the kindly warm weather. It didn’t count, when or where you came from, or which language you spoke, people were together and they always understood each other when it was needed. Cheerful, authentic, Croatian music filtered out from the little restaurant some metres of us, and the guests were laughing, dancing and having a good time. We leaned against each other with my relatives and relaxed. It was a fantastic moment, with Peace and Love.
When I open my eyes again, I often feel the wind blow, smell the scent of the water and hear the sound of the waves again. Then, I realize that I’m sitting on the coast of another Sea, in another time. It’s another space, another country, another summer, and always the same ’sitting-by-the-Sea’ feeling; but it’s another Sea: The Hungarian one. It’s the good, old Lake Balaton.
I wish you a Fantastic Day and a Nice Weekend!
Dóry 8-)